These components were designed to be flexible yet enduring in the face of changing missions, uncertain funding environments, and evolving Army strategies. The IPS developed building, street, and landscape standards for the entire installation. The Vision Plan established a series of fundamental planning components that guide the IDP processes and products, including a real property vision statement, planning goals and objectives, a framework plan, a district plan, a developable areas map, and key network maps. Both products were produced through a collaborative workshop process that included Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats Analysis, Visual Preference Surveys, and collaborative goal-setting exercises. While this entire task order has unfinished and unfunded items, the Vision Plan and Installation Planning Standards line items were completed in 2016. HB&A, with prime contractor HDR, completed the Fort Carson Vision Plan and Installation Planning Standards (IPS) – steps one and two, respectively, in a comprehensive and collaborative planning process to create a full Installation Development Plan (IDP) suite. VISION PLAN & INSTALLATION PLANNING STANDARDS